Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Saturday morning, we headed out for a day of shopping! Since CC is now officially going to be off of Da'be's payroll, Da'be headed out to get her some new living room furniture...her current living room furniture is the same age as CC so she is definitely deserving! Where else would you shop for furniture but...Miskelly!
Of course, Addison had to ride the carousel a couple of times before we could get out of there!
Lee and I worked really hard the weekend before last on Addison's big girl room and it looks great! I have taken pictures along the way, but it is not decorated and therefore I am not ready to share my makeover pictures yet. I went to the doctor on Monday and everything is still going great. I took my sugar test and passed! That was a relief since I have eaten a whole lot more sweets with this pregnancy than I did with Addison and it would be hard to stop although Lee doesn't understand what the big deal would be if you had to cut out sugar for the next 3 months! Easy for him to say since he wasn't the one taking the test. We are still working on a name, but have narrowed it down to a few...please feel free to make suggestions; we are listening!