Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Happy Halloween!!!
The girls had a blast this year running around trick-or-treating and collecting candy and we certainly enjoyed being able to stay a safe distance behind and watching them "do-it-themselves" and of course, encouraging some thank you's!
Since Toy Story is all the rage this year, Addison knew exactly what she wanted to be for Halloween and we even talked (which wasn't hard!) Da'be into making her outfit. Didn't she do a fabulous job?! Maggie got her outfit somewhat by default, but I LOVED it! While we were in Tuscaloosa visiting CC one weekend a few months ago we did a little consignment shop browsing and we ran across this costume for only $8! I didn't get it at first then couldn't resist so we went back and bought it and I am soooo glad. She was absolutely adorable and loved wearing the outfit (she always was making sure that her hood/ears were up!). We got some many compliments on how classic her costume was!
Trunk or Treat at Ridgeland Freedom Ridge Park - the girls had a grand time and got buckets of candy! Da'be sent the girls a Halloween package and below they are enjoying their marshmellow suckers! The dentist will probably be racking in the money!!!
Jessie the Cowgirl!
We went over to Eric & Jaclyn Durham's house for a little trick-or-treating on Saturday night and afterwards watched some football and enjoyed visiting with friends. Toy Story was well represented - hate we couldn't get all the kids together for a group picture!

Parker and Addison held hands almost the entire night while going door to door!

The girls with their candy stash and their choice of "one" piece - Addison is my chocolate girl and Maggie will always choose a sucker over anything else!!!


Ashia said...

OH MY GOODNESS, you should get a gold star (and Da'be) for the costumes! they are both so stinkin cute!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

they are so cute and i love there costumes!!!!! Can't wait to see ya'll again.