Wednesday, December 15, 2010

MSU vs. Alabama Game

Carrie invited us to come to Tuscaloosa for the MSU vs. Alabama game a while back and we looked forward to it for a very long time! We had a great time hanging out with she and Wilson (even though the game wasn't very good for State!). The seats were awesome and the stadium was huge - thanks you two! We thoroughly enjoyed our kid-free weekend and they enjoyed their weekend with Da'be!

We got to visit a little with the Norris'

and our good friends, David and Hope

We had a little family photo session while we were all dressed up!
Sweet Sugars!
This is what happens when Maggie gets to be around the people who will let her eat anything (which is pretty much anybody other than me and Lee!)


Jayi said...

Love the pictures and I'll have to say, y'all ALL looked spiffy for the ballgame!

Anonymous said...

That was a fun day! I'm so glad that we got to see ya'll there:)