Monday, February 7, 2011

Santa's Visit to the Lindley Girls!

The girls were soooo much fun to watch this year on Christmas morning - they were beyond excited Christmas Eve (even though we still had to wake them up so that we could get to all the places that we needed to Christmas day!). Santa found us in Macon this year since all the rest of the family was going to be there it was hard for us to resist going as well. The girls each got a bicycle/tricycle and they loved them even though it was a couple of days before the sun came out and we could ride outside. Maggie's was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse tricycle that made all kinds of noise and she couldn't get all the buttons pushed fast enough! Addison got a VTech Mobigo from Da'be and she is so smart in figuring out all the games. We had a blast and all are extremely blessed to be able to share the holidays with our loved ones!

1 comment:

Da'be said...

Santa must have thought two little girls were very good!