Thursday, April 16, 2009

6 Months - Food, Food, Food!

6 Month Check-up Stats:
weight - 17 lbs. 1 oz. (75%)
height - 26 inches (75%)
Maggie is halfway to the big one! I can't beieve it!!! She is learning so much and such a little happy baby. She started baby food this month and loves squash, sweet potatoes, and sweet peas and had no problem turning her nose up to carrots and green beans! She is also really fond of her oatmeal and banana cereal. She is practicing keeping her balance while sitting up and is scooting and rolling all around the floor. Her current fascinations are getting her feet to her mouth and blowing spit bubbles. Addie does a great job feeding Maggie so she is a big help - she knows how to scrap the back of the spoon on the bowl then wipe around her mouth! Addison has also become extremely attached to her baby dolls and does everything that Lee and I do with Maggie - it is so cute!

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