Sunday, June 14, 2009

Months 7 & 8!

So, I have been extremely busy lately and a little absent from the blogging world, but from the looks of it I am not the only one!!! Maggie is now good and on the move - crawling and pulling up on everything in sight - so hence the shortage of my computer time! I can't turn my back for a second or my two will be in to something they shouldn't be! Wow, where does time go? I must say the 6 to 8 month timeframe is great - she has learned so much and become so self-sufficient- where to start! We have tried most all baby foods, lots of fruits through a "food sock", and now we are experimenting with table foods! Maggie is so much better at chewing than I remember Addison being and she is doing really well with table foods even though she only has two teeth - loves bananas, cheese puffs, Nutragrain bars, carrots, mac & cheese and she is all about trying to get any fork in sight and put anything within reach into her mouth! Learning how to sit up at around 6 - 6 1/2 months was a huge milestone because little "Miss Nosy" could then see what was going on around her and play with all of her many toys! Maggie looks like a little inchworm when she crawls, but recently has started being a little more efficient with her moves. In the last week, she has really started pulling up a lot then getting real proud of herself and falling - so we have quite a few bruises on the cheek, elbow, etc. - but hey, everyone has to learn the hard way sometime! "Wiggle Wiggle" is definitely living up to her nickname because you can't put her on the changing table or the floor and expect her to be there past 2 seconds! Fun times! Oh, and she really doesn't like to sleep during the day - she makes a sonar sound before finally giving up the fight! (As I say that I realize that several of my pictures below are of her sleeping - ha ha!) She is babbling up a storm and you ought to hear the interpretations of what Addison says that she is saying - but she has the 2 most important words down pat - ma-ma and da-da! She has been a busy little girl the last couple of months - we have been to Lynn Creek Memorial, 2 graduations, Land O'Lakes (for Memorial Day weekend) and even the Zoo - more updates and pictures to follow (hopefully!) Well, I am certain that I have missed lots of neat things that she has done, but this gives somewhat of a detailed update.
Finally gave it up in the middle of playing!

Daddy is always willing to be the nap partner!

Bananas in my "food sock" - yummy! Grape sucker! She loved this, but it was a huge sticky mess!
My favorite bath partner - Addison insisted on getting in Maggie's tub! Now the girls can take a bath in the big tub together and it is sooo nice!
My favorite sleeping picture - when I tried to move her she got upset and went right back to this position!

Check out my two teeth!


The Banks Family said...
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The Banks Family said...
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The Banks Family said...

Time really does fly. Mine does not know how to be still. We were inching like an army man but we are officially on hands and knees most of the time or that is when we are not standing. He has been pulling up forever it seems and now he will pull up and just stand there not holding on. Unfortunately I believe we will walk soon. Braedon still has no teeth although you can really see two of them; they just ain't through. I hate I missed ya'll at Land O Lakes...we were there. Good to hear an update.

The Banks Family said...
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