Sunday, September 13, 2009

11 Months!

Addison wanted to join Maggie on the 11 month shot!

The past month has been so much fun - Maggie started walking full speed ahead at 10 months so as Lee says she is really "cadillacing" now! She is everywhere and into everything - you can't leave her alone for anytime without her getting into something that she doesn't need to or worse than that climbing to dangerous heights!! More than anything, she is now giving "big squeezing" hugs and open mouth "kisses" and it is the best feeling in the whole world! LOVE her to death! She has also started "dancing" or really bouncing to music anytime she hears it (especially Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song!) and Addison loves that Maggie can dance!

Loves to get into the open fridge - and this is the first thing that she goes to and starts licking the top - definitely my girl! Chocolate and ice cream are my weaknesses!
Doesn't like to play in this thing, but definitely enjoys climbing in and out of the bottom!
She loves to EAT! Right now, she is probably eating more than her big sister, and it just passes right through her!
Loaded up and ready to go! She is at the door as soon as she hears it open!

Maggie's first boo-boo! Pretty bad one too! Lee and the girls were outside and I was stirring something on the stove - I look up just in time to see Maggie take the last step off the deck down the stairs and I screamed Lee's name but needless to say she was at the bottom before he got there! Scared me to death, but other than the scratch under the eye that turned a little blue she was fine. I told y'all she is super quick - I think she was headed to the Barbie Jeep because she and Addison had been riding it earlier.
Maggie and Miller (Justin & Katie's dog) - Addison is scared to death of dogs and Maggie absolutely adores them!
Maggie loves to push Addie around on the Dora car and Addison loves for her to do it!


1 comment:

The Banks Family said...

Braedon started the dancing thing too... He is so hilarious. It is amazing what all they do at such early ages. Can't believe he will be 1 in a week!!!!