Sunday, December 6, 2009

Update on what the girls are into!

Thank goodness that we have Addison to help us watch after Maggie! Don't know if we could keep her out of the ER if it wasn't for her big sister!! Maggie is a huge CLIMBER! She has been climbing up on the coffee table for about a month now and just this weekend has finally figured out how to get back down on her own although now...she likes to get up there and dance which is extremely dangerous if we happen to be in the other room! She is a big fan of the hot-dog dance and Mickey Mouse! She pulls the oven drawer out and stands on it to pull up to the stove, climbs on Addison's stool that is used to get to the sick, climbs up in the window sill, and last week while Mom was doctoring on Addison in the bathroom...when they came into the kitchen she had climbed up on the barstool and was sitting at the counter! Even more recently...I was getting "packages" off the front porch while they were taking a bath and I hear Addie say, "Mama...Maggie climbed out of the bathtub! And, her comes a soaking wet naked little girl walking through the living room! Like I said...she is keeping us ALL on our toes, but she is sooo much fun!!!

Even the busiest of bodies tires out!!!

Addison has turned into such the little caretaker! Three and a half is treating us well...just last week she was taking everyone's plates to the sick, putting the napkins in the trash, scooting the chairs up to the table...I was so impressed with her! She is sooo in love with her little sister - she just hugs and kisses on her and gets so excited about every little new thing that she does or says - it so sweet! Addison has also gotten a HUGE imagination! At any time during any given day, you will find a row of activity papers each one with their own pencil/crayon with a sticker on it sitting somewhere in our house for her "students"! Just the other day she was upset with me because I was sitting on her students while I was trying to put on her shoes! She is ALL about her baby dolls...they have to eat in their highchair at the table with us, go to bed with her at night, etc. Below is her babydoll "Anna" and she pretends to be Mama "Becky" - these are our cousins in Alaska! Anna was born with a head FULL of dark hair!


Anonymous said...

Your girls are so cute. Maggie is a doll. Thank goodness Ali Grace did not climb. Ali Grace loves her babies too. I love to hear her talking to them. She asked for a washing machine and broom for Christmas. So odd!

Grannie and Da'be said...

We have enjoyed seeing the girls. It is nice to be able to see them this way. Love to all of you.