Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Programs!

As I have mentioned before, we were REAL busy during December and as I am reminded looking back through pictures it might take me a full week (or two) just to blog through this particular week of fun, fun, fun! Starting with Wednesday night, December 8th, Addison's daycare presented their cute program showcasing the Christmas Story with an emphasis on the animal's prespective!!! She was the "Star of Bethleham" and we were shocked when she lifted a 8-10 foot pole with a star on it above her head (and all the other kids in the program!); she was so excited about being the star and we were so proud!! I am always grateful for the Christian influence that my children are exposed to each day while I am working away. It is humbling beyond description each time I hear that large group of children belting out traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. That night, in particular, Suzy made a special trip down to show her support for Addison then...when we walked in the sanctuary we were all surprised to see Da'be! It meant so much to Addison to have grandparents in the audience like so many of her classmates! Thanks for always being so supportive!

Then...on Sunday, she was part of the AWANA's Christmas program - The Christmas County Spelling Bee. She was an extra on the set and came in periodically to buzz as the "bee", cheer on the contestants, then light the way as the final songs were sung. The older kids in this program were great - it was a really funny production.

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