Thursday, January 13, 2011

Disney on Ice - Princess Wishes

We all waited excitedly (is that a word?) for Disney on Ice for a loooong time and it was everything we thought it would be and more! Da'be treated us to tickets and we were very grateful. To say the girls loved it would be an understatement - Maggie was in awe from the moment that it started and when it came time for intermission Addison was almost in tears wanting to know why all the other princesses didn't come out...she was not ready for it to be over!!! Our tickets came with a disposable camera and Addison was also distraught when she realized that she had used all her film before intermission (she also had to get used to the fact that she couldn't see the picture she had just taken - haha!) I went to Disney on Ice as a child and remember how much fun I had so I was so glad to get to share this experience with my little girls. Of course we had to wear our princess attire to go watch the princesses! We will definitely be returning the next time the show is in town!

This is Maggie's reaction the moment the first performer (who happened to be Mickey & Minnie) stepped on the ice! Priceless!!!

Aunt Pat gave these to Addison at the family Christmas the weekend before Disney on Ice and she was so excited about wearing them (they were much harder for her to manage than I think she expected - ha!)

Thanks Da'be...we had a blast!

1 comment:

Da'be said...

My first on press ons'. We had so much fun!