Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Meet our Elf - Toby!

This year we started the Elf on the Shelf tradition and Addison named our elf - Toby! We read the book on December 1st and we aren't sure where she got this name from, but hey, it's their tradition. She loves getting up every morning searching the house for Toby, so far he has hidden on both her's and Maggie's shelves and in both of their stockings, as well as on the rooftops of several of the Snow Village houses. Toby is a magical elf that can't be touched (hence, his hiding in such high places) or he loses his magic, and he flies back each night to report to Santa how good or bad Addison and Maggie have been during the day. It is so much fun watching Addison show him to all of our visitors and explain how they can't touch him or he will lose his magic! This Christmas has been sooo much fun and we aren't even half way through December yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a elf just like yours,but mine is a littel thinner. I love the pic. yall are all so CUTE. I LOVE YOU!.....