Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Eve!

We decided that it was time for Santa to find us at our house this year so...we also hosted some of our family for Christmas Eve dinner! Da'be and CC came earlier in the week and helped out with the girls, cooking, cleaning, etc. It was great - Lee and I even snuck off to the MSU basketball game that Tuesday night and it was great to be able to actually "watch" the game!!! Nana joined us on Christmas Eve and we enjoyed having all of them here Christmas morning to watch the girls in all of their Christmas awe and excitement! Christmas Eve, Uncle Gary, Marilyn, and Grannie drove over from Meridian and we had a wonderful meal of several of our favorite dishes and exchanged a few gifts! It is always fun when we all get together, but I am not real sure that my house was big enough!!! Oh yeah...I forgot to mention that it was FLOODING that day and we all had to tread through shin-deep water on the sidewalk because we had "stuff" in the garage for the next day!
Uncle Gary and Marilyn gave me a remote control for my camera so we had to try it out and get a full group shot!
CC and Maggie
Addison was soooo worn out from trying to keep up with all of us the whole week that she passed out before dinner plus she had a bad cough and runny nose so poor baby wasn't feeling the best!
4 Generation Pic!
Nana, Addie, and M
Uncle GB, Maggie, Da'be and Lee
Poor Baby...she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and it was so subtle-full speed one minute and gone the next! Addison sporting her new kitchen duds
Reading a few of their Fancy Nancy books with their new Fancy Nancy doll!
Toby (our elf) left Addison & Maggie new PJ's to sleep in on Christmas Eve for being so good during his stay at our house!

Addison putting out the reindeer food and leaving Santa some milk and cookies (and marshmellows for the reindeer!)


Anonymous said...

Looks like yall had a great Christmas. I am just as excited for next year as Ali Grace. I understand how your house seems like a good size until your family gets together.

Julianna said...

Thanks so much for my blog comment!! :) You're girls are so cute, I love reading about them on your blog!

Macki Smith said...

Stacey...your girls are adorable! Mackinzie got those same jammies for Christmas...too cute!