Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Growing Girl - 3 Months Old!

I am not sure where to start since I am soooo far behind on updating this blog, but I figured that I would start with Maggie's 3 month pictures since she will probably be 4 months old by the time I get caught up! Maggie is getting such a personality; she laughed out loud for the first time during this month and it melts my heart every time I hear her giggle. My favorite so far was this past Saturday when I was holding Maggie while Addison and I were eating lunch and Addison started laughing. When she stopped, Maggie giggled at her and they giggled back and forth for a good minute and, of course, I was laughing at both of them. Addison was so proud of herself! She is holding her head up really good and showing pretty good strength during her tummy time. I started back to work the week after Christmas and Mom came down and spent the week with Maggie. I think they had a lot of fun and spoiled each other pretty good. Maggie started daycare on January 5th and seems to be enjoying it - she is in a class with all girls (right the opposite of Addison - she was the only girl!).

We estimate her weight and length to be 14.5 pounds and 24 inches! She doesn't look like she has grown much in the last month, but her features are definitely filling out (2 month on the left; 3 month on the right)!

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