Monday, January 12, 2009

Treading Water...

Not sure if that is an appropriate title for this post or not, but it seems to be the most appropriate words for our lives right now. Yes, we are still alive! After a few requests for updates, I thought I might let you know that I am trying to squeeze in some time to post pics of our wonderful Christmas and New Year's. I had to go back to work a couple of days earlier than I planned and haven't had a spare moment since. Maggie started daycare and seems to have adjusted really well. She is in a class of all girls (just the opposite that Addison started with - she was the only girl) and has a big sister in the building that makes sure that she is being treated like a princess! Addison keep tabs on her as she goes by the window during her outside playtimes and is sure to report to me at the end of the day! We are starting to get into a pretty good routine after a long day at work in which I feed Maggie and try to get both girls bathed while Lee cooks so that we can sit down and eat and be ready for bed at a decent time since 5:30 comes early for me in which...I get myself ready, feed Maggie, and then dress 2 little girls so that they can get out the door with Lee by 7:20 and somewhere thrown in the mix I can't forget to mention the dreaded tasks of washing bottles! WHEW - definitely a full day and not much spare time for getting on the computer!!! Way too much info, I'm sure, but just a glimpse into my day and an explanation for my lack of updating. Keep checking in on us because I promise to update soon.


Anonymous said...

I do good to get one ready in the mornings much less too. Mine hates the idea of getting dressed already, it sounds like we are beating the child when it comes to that time of day. lol.

Anonymous said...

I shared this info with Deb and she said to remind you that we had to do all of this by ourselves as your Daddy and Randy were gone a lot during the week. It was like being a single mother. I know you will have a new appreciation of your Mother now. You are very lucky to have a husband to help. Please be sure to be thankful and know it gets better.

Anonymous said...

Woah! You are pretty much superwoman! Sounds like 2 is a little harder than just one. :-)