Monday, September 8, 2008

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey present The Greatest Show on Earth!

We took Addison to the circus on Saturday night and had a blast! We figured that this would be a good pre-baby outing that was all about her!!! They had a great pre-show that took place in the hour before the performance time - it was set up on the ground level and you could swing on the trapeze, walk the tight rope, try on circus outfits, hula-hoop, jump rope, and watch a few animal tricks. This was really neat for children a little older than Addison, but she enjoyed trying to hula-hoop and my knees were aching from trying to help her! We headed to our seats after stopping to get some cotton candy and peanuts (how can you resist at the circus!) - she loved cotton candy and we were a sticky mess!!! She really enjoyed the show especially the elephants. She asked about seeing the elephants on Saturday morning when she woke up as well as Saturday afternoon after her nap so needless to say we were glad that she wasn't disappointed. The circus lasted a little over 2 hours and included many acrobatics that were a sight to see! Hope you enjoy the pics - click to enlarge the collage if you would like!
On another note, I went to the doctor today and our little girl is doing great! We have a scheduled date and will welcome her into this world a little after 7 AM on October 8th as long as she doesn't decide to try to come on her own before then! So, that is exactly one month from today and I can't believe it. Keep us in your prayers~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the cutest eight month pregant with my grandaughter that I have ever seen. Love you! It looks like ya'll had a wonderful time.