Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, it has been a little while since I updated on the "potty-training"! It has gone great (or at least I think so) - Addison has officially been in "big-girl" panties all day for the last two weeks. She has only had one day when she had an accident at school and she has had a couple of accidents at home, but one I am blaming on Dad! He was watching the State football game and I was in the kitchen - I heard her say "Daddy" then silence then "Potty - Daddy" and by the time I ran in there it was too late - and all Lee had to say was "What? Huh? Oh, I'm sorry!" and this was our first full day in panties! Since then, Lee has been a big help in getting her to the potty so hopefully we will continue on the road to success. It would be great to get one out of diapers right before we welcome another little one set for diapers for the next couple of years! Below is a picture of Addison enjoying her "prize" for going all day for the first time without an accident - which just so happened to be right before the accident referred to above!

Next, an update on baby Maggie! I went to the doctor on Monday and everything is still right on schedule - we will welcome her shortly after 7 A.M. on October 8th (which is less than 2 weeks!) - I can't believe it! We are so excited about finally getting to meet her and introducing her to Addison! I am starting to get really, really tight in my stomach and she is a very active little girl so it definitely makes for some uncomfortable moments! I am having trouble sleeping at night because I have been soooo hot! Addison is really excited, but I don't think that she will completely understand until she gets here. She talks and sings to her all the time (through my belly button, nonetheless!!!). It is too funny and the other day, she put her hand over my belly button and said "Maggie's hiding" and then she tried to give her a pacifier! She has such a funny personality and is definitely a big talker - I can't imagine where she gets that from!

Not a very attractive picture, but definitely a good example of how I have felt lately! TIRED!!! This little 2 year-old is extremely hyper and bounces off the walls so when she crashes SO DO I! Good thing I don't have 2 months to go!

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