Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A few pics from our first week at home!

First Bath at home - she didn't like it one bit!
Daddy and his two little girls!
Mama's little pumpkin!
Addison went back to school after a very exciting week and she couldn't wait to see all of her friends - we printed some pictures for her to take and show off and she thought she needed to take them every day that week! How sweet!

Totally in awe! She loves Maggie to death - it is so sweet, but we definitely have to keep an eye on her as she doesn't quite know her limits! Someone told me to do this with Addison and I never did so I hope that I can continue to remember to do it with Maggie. I was told to take a picture of her each month in the same location to see how much she grows/changes over a month's time so I figure there was no better place than Pa-daddy's big recliner. This is Maggie at one week - she looks so tiny, but you also have to know how huge this recliner is!
This is where she naps most of the time during the day - what would a girl do without all of her pink?!!!
Not sure if they were watching Barney or "trying" to go to sleep - this was Lee's picture!
Maggie (not quite 2 weeks old) - she is starting to wake up a little more during the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture with Maggie in the boppy and Addison looking at her sister so sweet. Amazing how 2 weeks have gone by already! Love, The Williams' Family