Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to Mommy!

Today is my birthday and I can't think of a better way to spend it than with my family! It is so nice having Maggie here to celebrate and having Addison wake me up with her version of "Happy Birthday" was music to my ears - I absolutely adore these two little girls! My mom spent the day with me before heading back home; she will be greatly missed as she has been a huge help since coming home from the hospital. Thanks to everyone that called, texted, stopped by, sent cards, etc. - sorry to those of you that I missed talking to because of obvious unmentionable reasons, but I did listen to all the voicemails. I received many wonderful gifts - my husband and daughters gave me a much-needed purse that will be put to good use once I go back to work after maternity leave or when I get a date-night out without a diaper bag as well as a book to learn how to use my Photoshop Elements software that I received last Christmas - I am so excited about learning how to hopefully make some of my pictures professional looking! My mom surprised me with the Vera Bradley diaper bag that I have been eyeing that matches my luggage and I can't wait to get out of the house and use it; it is big enough for Maggie and Addison's stuff as well as my wallet! I also received many other nice things - mums, money, etc. - Thanks everyone!

Several of my co-workers stopped by today at lunch to play with Maggie and brought me these cupcakes for my birthday - how sweet! They were great and needless to say, Addison really enjoyed digging into them!

Keep checking the blog - I plan to post pictures from the hospital hopefully tomorrow! Sorry for the delay...


The Hutto Family said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a GREAT Day!

Andy, Katie, and Leighton said...

Happy birthday! We will see you Friday!! Can't wait to meet Maggie!