Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The night before Maggie was born!

Thought that I would start at the beginning and get my blog updated a little day by day! Since Maggie was a scheduled c-section and she didn't decide to come on her own, we were able to have a "party" with our family the night before she was born. Lee and I both worked up until the last minute then headed home for a cookout. CC came into town on Sunday so she was already here and had picked up Addison from daycare, then Nana and Meg got here, and then Da'be! Lee cooked hamburgers on the grill and I enjoyed a good hearty meal followed by some Brooksville bakery pecan pie and ice cream before being cut off at midnight from any solid foods for the next several days (ugh!). We blew up the air mattress, which as you can see, Addison enjoyed playing on and had a big spend the night party! It was so much fun and we really enjoyed having everyone here for Maggie's birth!
Last pregnant picture before welcoming Maggie!

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