Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome Neighbor - Meet Garrett Alexander Kosko!

Well, Bailey beat Addison at becoming a big brother before she got to be a big sister! But, not by much. Garrett held out as long as he could and entered into this world on October 3rd at 6:10 P.M. weighing 6 lbs. even and 19 in. long. Very good size considering he decided to come 4 weeks early. He is healthy and just precious. Mamie and I just knew that we were going to end up having these babies on the same day. Oh well, we weren't far off! This picture was taken on Oct. 1st - we took supper over to the Kosko's since Mamie has been on strict bedrest and knowing Mamie I know how difficult it has been for her just to sit there! Addison and Bailey enjoyed running around and we just did get a picture of us two preggos in time!
Friday night, Bailey got to stay with us while Garrett was being born and we had soooo much fun! These pictures were taken not long after Bailey became a big brother! Don't they look like they are having fun!

We got to meet precious Garrett and he is an absolute angel - Congrats to Mamie, Paul, and Bailey!

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